
Showing posts from March, 2013

Montages Should Come With A Warning

I am frustrated at my life. I shouldn’t be, it’s not that bad. But I am. And I blame American TV. I want what they show. Always have. Those wonderful moments when everybody dances to a folky, country-esque hopeful happy song that in reality a group of people would never dance to because people never dance to anything but loud aggressively happy plastic music designed for optimum modern-day-mating-ritual-esque pulling moments. But on TV, in America, apparently, a group of friends will gather after a momentous occasion in their collective life and dance, cutting to them all hugging and walking into a sunset. I wanted those moments. Or the ones when everybody is sitting together in a perfectly photographical formation while they all appreciate each other, again with a pretty folky song, getting louder and louder. Or a montage. Montages cut out all the rubbish we actually have to deal with and paste together the happiest or saddest most meaningful moments and make us feel frustrated a...