'An Antic Disposition'-Mental Health in Literature

Before I go on, I feel this post needs a little disclaimer. The books/plays I talk about, I talk about briefly and I'll admit that I haven't done copious amounts of research on each before writing this, though several of them I did study at GCSE/A Level several years ago. But this is a little glimpse on these works and what I have taken from them. It is no way an in-depth study. It is from what we read and watch that we are able to form our understanding of the world. In literature and theatre, many books and plays have attempted to portrayed mental health issues. However, I believe that there are many that have done damage to how mental health issues are understood and the way society perceives them. This legacy is primarily made up of books/plays from the past and all of the examples I cite are. I do think literature and theatre is becoming ever better at discussing mental health issues in a sensitive and understanding manner. As an example, recently I saw The Cow Play by E...