
Showing posts from July, 2012

Paper-machéd Body Parts, Walks with Frying Pans and All-Night Long Conversations: The (Always Dramatic) University Years

Saying goodbye is never easy and, in a way, the more practise you have at it, the worse it gets. As my graduation draws closer, I’ve taken the opportunity to spend as much time with my friends as possible, doing as much as possible and have also used the time to consider just what has made university the adventure it has been. It is, of course, these friends and so this rather rambling post is to say, I guess, why they are so important to me and to thank them for all they’ve done for me, whether or not they realise it. I remember starting university and being told by family friends and my parents that it was just how Evelyn Waugh described it in Brideshead Revisited through advice given to Charles by his cousin, ‘You spend half your second year shaking off the undesirable friends you made in your first.’ And that the friends I would make in my first few weeks of university would not be the friends I kept but rather time would lead them to me. Whether or not they were right with ...