Imagining: A Beginning
So I may or may not, depending on how a course pans out, be back in the city of my university come September/October, employed and working on a theatre project with a friend I’ve directed and been directed by. Exciting! Right now, it really is only in the very early beginnings in that we’re penciling down ideas and gathering ideas. Slowly but surely. If I don’t come back after the summer, it is something I’d like to continue at some point in the future. It’s going to be about imagination so this small post is to ask you, my lovely reader, about your imagination. What does your imagination give you? Does it matter? Does it help? Would you say imagination and 'pretend' are the same things? I don’t want to bombard people with questions because you might well chose not to answer them (please do though!) and if this project goes ahead I think I’ll post more questions over time. If you do feel like answering any of these questions or say anything at all about your imagin...