We Need To Talk
Recently, a friend of mine blogged about her experiences with depression. Her blog has led me to think about my own experiences with depression and what I’ve wanted to say about it on a more public basis. I thought her writing online about her experiences was incredibly brave and admirable. It wasn’t that she admitted to having depression that I thought brave, it was that she was so open with how it affected her. While I admit openly and easily that I suffer from depression and have done since a couple of months before my fifteenth birthday, talking about exactly how it affects me is not something I am happy to do with many people. I have found though, because I admit to easily to having depression, people often assume I’m exaggerating and when I say I have depression they think I mean I get a little sad sometimes. And because I don’t talk about how my depression makes me feel as openly, this seems to support the assumptions I’ve been exaggerating. Because depression is romanticized...