White Feathers

Being a big fan of both comedy and period dramas/anything, literally anything, set pre-70s, I was quite excited to see that one of Channel 4's new comedy shows was set during the First World War. Despite there being no other current comedies of this nature (that I know of), it's not that unheard of for comedies to be set in the past, Dad's Army being a great example, and I expected big things. I was also interested to watch it as new writing (writers Simon Bird, Joe Thomas and Jonny Sweet all star in it also). Chickens , unlike Dad's Army , matches the issues of the WWI setting with modern delivery through characters that seem a mixture of Edwardian characterisation and modern-day personas. Described on Channel 4's website as 'the only men in the village, and all the women hate them. Our nation's heroes are fighting the good fight on foreign soil, but in one sleepy English village three young men remain.', the best way to desc...