The Curse of the Drama Student
Recently, I saw one of my favourite comedians live. He asked if there were any students in the audience to which there was a reply of yes. He then asked if there were any drama students. Some people gave a little cheer to which he replied with a derogatory remark. This he followed by saying he’d apologise but what would a drama student to him? ‘Oh look at me, I’m an angry tree’. While this joke is funny and makes me laugh, it does bother me slightly. At first, I thought it was because, actually, it wasn’t true to life. I have never ‘been’ an ‘angry tree’. But the more I’ve started to think about it, the reason it bothers me is because it is so accurate. I might have never tried out an ‘angry tree’ but I have done some pretty ridiculous things. What course other than drama requires to you to rehearse outside for two hours in freezing February temperatures, make up (and, regrettably, perform) a dance to Aqua’s Barbie Girl , buy a plastic sword from your local toy shop and generally make ...